Kamis, 19 September 2019

SAB (Satuan Acara Bermain) anak/bayi usia infant 0-12 bulan


Topik                                     : Terapi bermain pada anak usia infant
                     Kelompok Sasaran     : Bayi usia 0-12 bulan
Tanggal/Bln/Th       : 2 September 2019
W a k t u                    : 09.00

An. D umur 1 tahun dirawat di ruang Edelwis RSUD Dr. Soetomo dengan diagnose medis diare. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan didapatkan data Suhu: 37,5ยบ C, Nadi: 110x/menit, RR: 35x/menit. Setiap dilakukan tindakan keperawatan bayi tampak acuh tidak mencari sumber suara ataupun melihat perawat saat di ajak bicara. Bayi D juga belum pernah medapat terapi bermain selama di rumah sakit.
B.            TUJUAN
1)                 Tujuan Instruksional Umum :
Setelah dilakukan tindakan program bermain peserta terapi bermain dapat mencapai tugas perkembangan secara optimal sesuai tahap perkembangan walaupun dalam kondisi sakit.
2)                 Tujuan Instruksional Khusus
Setelah dilakukan terapi selama 30 menit peserta terapi bermain diharapkan mampu:
a.      Melatih kerja sama mata dan tangan
b.      Melatih kerja sama mata dan telinga
c.       Melatih mengenal sumber suara
d.     Melatih reflek-reflek terutama penglihatan

C.                KLASIFIKASI
a.      Anak usia 1 tahun
b.      Kesadaran composmentis
c.       Jenis kelamin laki-laki
d.     Bayi dalam kondisi yang cukup baik
D.                KEGIATAN

-       Memperkenalkan diri ke orang tua
-       Menyampaikan tujuan
-       Menjelaskan proses pelaksanaan
-       Mempersiapkan alat
10 menit
Orang tua bersedia
-      Meletakkan mainan di dekat bayi
-      Mencoba mengambil perhatian bayi menggunakan mainan
10 menit
Mainan bayi yang bisa berbunyi
Bayi merespon tindakan perawat dengan mencari sumber suara dan tangan meraih mainan
-      Memberikan reward dan terima kasi kepada orang tua
-      Membereskan perlengkapan
-      Mencatat kegiatan dan hasilnya
10 menit
Orang tua membalas ramah

     Leader                               : Renanda Nur’afika
    Observer                           : Siti Nurus Sarifatun N
                                                  Novita Eka
    Fasilitator                          : Hardiyan Achmad
                                                  Rizki Sulistyawati
                                                  Titik Sundari

      Uraian Tugas
   Leader                      : Memimpin/memandu jalannya terapi bermain
  Fasilitator                : Mendampingi peserta
    Observer                 : Mengobservasi jalannya bermaun  tentang ketepatan
                                waktu, ketepatan masing-masing peran.
F.             METODE
a.      Ceramah
b.      Demonstrasi

G.           MEDIA
Mainan anak yang dapat berbunyi.

H.               EVALUASI
Anak dapat mengikuti permainan yang diberikan dari awal sampai akhir dengan baik:
a.      Anak diharapkan dapat mencari sumber bunyi dan menoleh atau menggerakkan badan
b.      Anak diharapkan dapat melihat permainan yang diberikan
I.                   SUMBER PUSTAKA


Contoh dialog bahasa inggris tentang Time & Schedule


To fulfill an English task
Guidance by Mr.Yulius

Group 4 / 2B
Risma Handayani                    (P17210184097)
Siti Nurus S.N                         (P17210184119)
Disfelia Ayu H.A                    (P17210184126)
Linda Amelia Arifin               (P17210184102)
Renanda Nur’afika                 (P17210184108)
Fathya Ridhanissa                   (P17210183086)

September  2019

One day there was a little family who was worried because her child had a afever for 4 day in a row and was unstable.
The child has been given a paracetamol for lowering fever, but the temperature does not go down.

Px        :”mom, my body feels so bad”
M         : “mom check first”
Px        : “my body also feel pain”
M         : “come on, we have to go to the hospital”
Px        : “noo mom, I’m afraid”
M         : “don’t worry, just check up”
Px        : “ok mom, I agree”

And then the mom decides check to the doctor. Before that, the mom contact the hospital to arrange a schedule.

R         : “good afternoon with medical hospital recepsionit. What can I do for you?”
M         : ”good afternoon. I want to meet the dr. Bambang to check the condition of my child.”
R         : ”have you been here before ?”
M         : “yes I have”
R         : “please full name patient and date of birth?”
M         : “yes the name is……..
R         : “okay. You got queue number 5, we open at 4 pm.”
M         : “okay thankyou.”

A few minutes later the doctor came.
Doctor             : Today, how many patients we have?.”
Nurse               : ten (10) patients doctor.”
Doctor             : okay, thank you.”
Doctor goes into his room...
Nurse               : Queue number 5, on behalf of X can enter the room.
Patient             : yes, i am.
Nurses             : Let’s follow me to the room.
                        Now, what do you need to see the doctor about?
Patient             : I've had 4 days of unstable fever, and also my body is painful. Especially in the joints.
Nurses             : what medicine do you consume?.”
Patient             : “I consume paracetamol tablets.”
Nurse               : okay, let me check your vital sign.”
The nurse conducts the examination of the patient's vital signs
Nurse               : You feel a bit warm. Let me get a thermometer to check. (puts the thermometer in the armpit).”
Nurse               : Yes, you have a fever. I think I’ll take your blood pressure as well.
Patient             : Is there anything to worry about?
Nurse               : don’t worry, i’ll check first.”

After that, the nurse provides the result to the doctor.

In the doctor’s hall
P          : “Excuse me doctor, There is patient with symptoms of fever for 4 days is not stability and his back painful.”
D         : “How the patient’s TTV result?”
P          : “The result
     TD:              R:                 S:
D         : “Okay, thank you.”

The doctor approach the  patient
D         : “Okay, seen from the result, patient are estimated to have dengue fever,for more accurate result must do a blood check and if the result are out, please return to me again.”
P          : “For a blood check, how the procedure and what should I do, doctor?”
D         : “Can be asked to nurse.”
P          : “Thank you.”

Fams ask to nurse.
K         : “Excuse me, nurse. What is the procedure at the blood check please?”
P          : “I will take you to the room, after that I took a patient’s sample blood to be examined, please wait for a while and if the result are out, please go back to the doctor’s hall with the lab result.”

A few hours later, the laboratory officer gave the examination results to the nurse and the nurse delivered it to the patients family.
P          : “Excuseme miss, this lab result are out. Please colsule with doctor, let me take you.”
Fam     : “Okay nurse.”
The family return to the doctor’s office.
Fam     : “doc, his lab already out.”
Doc     : “Okay, I’ll see the result first.”
Fam     : “Okay, doc.”
Doctor observes the results of the patient’s lab
Doc     : “From the result I’ve seen, your child has symptoms of dengue fever.”
Fam     : “OMG, what should I do to heal my child?”
Doc     : “There are two choice, your chilf can be outpatient ot inpatient.”
Px        : “Mom, I don’t want to be hospitalized. I’m afraid of syringes.”
Fam     : “How about this doc? My child doesn’t want to be outpatient.”
Doc     : “Your child can be outpatient with the note must be a total rest and routine check up once every three days and adicine must be take regulary.”

Fam     : “Okay doc, thankyou.”

Askep Meningitis

CATATAN ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN KLIEN IDENTITAS KLIEN                Nama (Initial)                            : Sdr. Sukir Umur    ...