Jumat, 05 Mei 2017

Soal Tryout 2 UNBK SMA 2017

16. Read the text and answer the question.
4 February, 2012

William Smith
Training Head
Tri Star Pvt. Ltd.
44 Cuba Road, Birmingham, London.
Subject: request for training session.

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you to request a follow-up training session for our department staff on the new software from your company. The software has recently been incorporated in our systems and would soon be used to record all the company’s transactions.
We did have an introductory session of how to operate the software. However, no formal training was given to our staffs about the follow-up. Without a proper training, our staff members would not be able to work efficiently using this software. This may lead to dissatisfaction amongst our clients. Therefore, I would like you to arrange for a follow-up training session on the software detailed operation. Thank you for your collaboration.

Charles Brown.

According to the text, what may cause the clients’ dissatisfaction?
option a William Smith’s late reply.
option b Brown’s inability to train the staffs.
option c The staffs’ lack of competence in operating the software.
option d The improper training arranged by William Smith.
option e The staffs’ incapability to work efficiently.

17. Read the text and answer the question.
4 February, 2012

William Smith
Training Head
Tri Star Pvt. Ltd.
44 Cuba Road, Birmingham, London.
Subject: request for training session.

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you to request a follow-up training session for our department staff on the new software from your company. The software has recently been incorporated in our systems and would soon be used to record all the company’s transactions.
We did have an introductory session of how to operate the software. However, no formal training was given to our staffs about the follow-up. Without a proper training, our staff members would not be able to work efficiently using this software. This may lead to dissatisfaction amongst our clients. Therefore, I would like you to arrange for a follow-up training session on the software detailed operation. Thank you for your collaboration.

Charles Brown.

Why is another training requested?
option a To record the transactions.
option b To introduce the software.
option c To operate the software.
option d To enhance the staff’s competency.
option e To learn the software thoroughly.

18. Read the text and answer the question.
Due to the fire attack on our old building at Jalan Hasanudin no.59, we will close our office for two days. We will open and do transactions as usual starting from Monday,   25 August 2014, but temporarily we will move to Jalan Hasanuddin no.194. We are very sorry since several important documents were burnt during the fire. However, everything has been taken care of very well. We are totally responsible for it. We have backed up all the data in our central office in Jakarta and we only need time to recall it. If you have claims regarding your accounts or transactions, please come to our new office. It will be appreciated.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Director of VDO Finance Company

What is the most suitable title for the announcement?
option a Temporary Service after Fire
option b VDO Finance Company in Emergency
option c The New Office Building on Jl. Hasanudin no. 194
option d Fire in VDO Finance Company
option e Attention: We are Moving Out

19. Read the text and answer the question.
Due to the fire attack on our old building at Jalan Hasanudin no.59, we will close our office for two days. We will open and do transactions as usual starting from Monday,   25 August 2014, but temporarily we will move to Jalan Hasanuddin no.194. We are very sorry since several important documents were burnt during the fire. However, everything has been taken care of very well. We are totally responsible for it. We have backed up all the data in our central office in Jakarta and we only need time to recall it. If you have claims regarding your accounts or transactions, please come to our new office. It will be appreciated.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Director of VDO Finance Company

Why should the client not worry about their documents?
option a The officer have kept the documents.
option b No documents were lost during the fire.
option c All documents were not burnt during the fire.
option d The company has backed up their data in its central office.
option e The company has moved the documents to another place.

20. Read the text and answer the question.
Due to the fire attack on our old building at Jalan Hasanudin no.59, we will close our office for two days. We will open and do transactions as usual starting from Monday,   25 August 2014, but temporarily we will move to Jalan Hasanuddin no.194. We are very sorry since several important documents were burnt during the fire. However, everything has been taken care of very well. We are totally responsible for it. We have backed up all the data in our central office in Jakarta and we only need time to recall it. If you have claims regarding your accounts or transactions, please come to our new office. It will be appreciated.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Director of VDO Finance Company

Reading the announcement, we can assume that ....
option a the building was damaged entirely
option b the fire did not burn the entire building
option c VDO Finance needs months to fix the damage
option d the customers will lose their money and benefits
option e the company is too dependent on the central office

21.  Read the text and answer the question.
(UPDATED: 2014-08-14 09:59:16)

 Lhasa – The Chinese government’s efforts to preserve intangible heritage in Tibet and other ethnic regions have proven effective, said sources at the first Tibet development forum Wednesday.

 “Of the 386 million Yuan ($62.7 million) for cultural heritage preservation allocated by the central treasury between 2002 and 2009, about a quarter was spent in ethnic regions including Tibet,” said Li Jian Hui, a culture promotion official with the State Ethnic Affairs Commission.

 The plateau region is home to more than 1,000 intangible heritage items, including the famous Tibetan opera and the Epic of King Gesar, which have been listed as World Intangible Cultural Heritage items by UNESCO. Preservation of cultural essence is aimed at passing on the heritage to future generations, said Li. “A total 4 million copies of the Tibetan language edition of King Gesar have been published, averting one copy for each Tibetan adult,” he said.

 Other forms of intangible cultural heritage in Tibet include traditional music, dancing, craftsmanship and traditional herbal medicine and folkways.
 More than 100,000 articles, nearly 2,000 audio and video clips and 45,000 pictures have been collected since Tibet started a census on intangible cultural heritage in 2006, according to figures provided by Tibet’s regional government.

Li Jian Hui is used as a resource person because of his ....
option a education
option b position
option c experience
option d fame
option e dedication

22. Read the text and answer the question.
(UPDATED: 2014-08-14 09:59:16)

 Lhasa – The Chinese government’s efforts to preserve intangible heritage in Tibet and other ethnic regions have proven effective, said sources at the first Tibet development forum Wednesday.

 “Of the 386 million Yuan ($62.7 million) for cultural heritage preservation allocated by the central treasury between 2002 and 2009, about a quarter was spent in ethnic regions including Tibet,” said Li Jian Hui, a culture promotion official with the State Ethnic Affairs Commission.

 The plateau region is home to more than 1,000 intangible heritage items, including the famous Tibetan opera and the Epic of King Gesar, which have been listed as World Intangible Cultural Heritage items by UNESCO. Preservation of cultural essence is aimed at passing on the heritage to future generations, said Li. “A total 4 million copies of the Tibetan language edition of King Gesar have been published, averting one copy for each Tibetan adult,” he said.

 Other forms of intangible cultural heritage in Tibet include traditional music, dancing, craftsmanship and traditional herbal medicine and folkways.

 More than 100,000 articles, nearly 2,000 audio and video clips and 45,000 pictures have been collected since Tibet started a census on intangible cultural heritage in 2006, according to figures provided by Tibet’s regional government.

According to the text, one of the real efforts to preserve intangible heritage is through …
option a Building famous Tibetan Opera theatre.
option b Publishing King Gesar epic in Tibetan language
option c Promoting Tibetan culture to young people
option d Collecting the available intangible cultural assets
option e Doing a census on intangible cultural heritage

23. Read the text and answer the question.
First of all, machines cut down the trees.
Then they cut the trees into logs.
The logs arrive at the factory by road or by river.
The factory is called a paper mill.
Saws cut the logs into tiny wood chips.
After that, other machines mix the chips and water into pulp.
Huge rollers then squeeze the pulp into long sheets of paper.
One roll can hold up to seventeen kilometres of paper.
Finally, the new paper goes by road to other factories to make boxes, books, tissues and many other things.

What is the best title for the text above?
option a How to cut down the trees.
option b How to make paper.
option c Pulp industry.
option d The factory of paper mill.
option e The paper products.

                       24. Read the text and answer the question.
First of all, machines cut down the trees.
Then they cut the trees into logs.
The logs arrive at the factory by road or by river.
The factory is called a paper mill.
Saws cut the logs into tiny wood chips.
After that, other machines mix the chips and water into pulp.
Huge rollers then squeeze the pulp into long sheets of paper.
One roll can hold up to seventeen kilometres of paper.
Finally, the new paper goes by road to other factories to make boxes, books, tissues and many other things.

The mixture between the tiny wood chips and water is called ....
option a logs
option b pulp
option c boxes
option d tissues
option e paper

25.  Read the text and answer the question.
First of all, machines cut down the trees.
Then they cut the trees into logs.
The logs arrive at the factory by road or by river.
The factory is called a paper mill.
Saws cut the logs into tiny wood chips.
After that, other machines mix the chips and water into pulp.
Huge rollers then squeeze the pulp into long sheets of paper.
One roll can hold up to seventeen kilometres of paper.
Finally, the new paper goes by road to other factories to make boxes, books, tissues and many other things.

After the chips are mixed into pulp then it is ….
option a extracted
option b stirred
option c rolled
option d cut
option e held up

26. Read the text and answer the question.

Jakarta : Cars and motorcycles have the long-term effect of destroying the environment by depleting fossil fuel. On top of that, the emissions released from the combustion system of an automobile can also cause the green-house effect. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are two green-house gases that damage our earth’s atmosphere. They could cause certain vegetation to die off, the snow caps to melt, and the earth’s atmospheric temperature to increase.
Reducing the amount of these green-house gases will greatly help reduce these effects. That is why we need an alternative for petroleum.
Researchers are currently working on environmentally friendly and inexhaustible energy resources: water.
They have created a water-hybrid combustion system that converts vehicles to use water as a source of primary fuel. The engine derives fuel from hydrogen and oxygen, generated by the electrolysis of water. The only by-product resulting from the hydrogen and oxygen components of combustion within the engine is water vapour. Therefore, emissions are cleaner, with fewer polluting particles, as reported by Jinali Parekh.
The technology existed back in 1805 when a Swiss inventor named Isaac de Rivaz made the first car powered by water. There has been significant development of the technology since then, but recently researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are working on the use of hydrogen from water as an alternative fuel to drive cars.   

What does the text tell about?
option a The hybrid system of water.
option b The technology to create a new fuel.
option c The idea of an alternative to petroleum.
option d The general knowledge of hybrid system.
option e The hybrid system of water as an alternative to petroleum.

27. Read the text and answer the question.

Jakarta : Cars and motorcycles have the long-term effect of destroying the environment by depleting fossil fuel. On top of that, the emissions released from the combustion system of an automobile can also cause the green-house effect. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are two green-house gases that damage our earth’s atmosphere. They could cause certain vegetation to die off, the snow caps to melt, and the earth’s atmospheric temperature to increase.
Reducing the amount of these green-house gases will greatly help reduce these effects. That is why we need an alternative for petroleum.
Researchers are currently working on environmentally friendly and inexhaustible energy resources: water.
They have created a water-hybrid combustion system that converts vehicles to use water as a source of primary fuel. The engine derives fuel from hydrogen and oxygen, generated by the electrolysis of water. The only by-product resulting from the hydrogen and oxygen components of combustion within the engine is water vapour. Therefore, emissions are cleaner, with fewer polluting particles, as reported by Jinali Parekh.
The technology existed back in 1805 when a Swiss inventor named Isaac de Rivaz made the first car powered by water. There has been significant development of the technology since then, but recently researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are working on the use of hydrogen from water as an alternative fuel to drive cars.   

To help reduce the green-house effects, we need to ....
option a produce green-house gases
option b minimize the amount of green-house gases
option c convert the vehicles to modern ones
option d create a new type of petroleum
option e create significant technology

28. Read the text and answer the question.
Jakarta Post. If you’ve always wanted a fork that spies on your eating habits, you’re in luck: A company has developed a utensil that records when you lift it to the mouth. The electronic fork is one of the gadgets getting attention this week at the International CES in Las Vegas, an annual showcase of the latest TVs, computers and other consumer-electronic devices.

The HAPI fork is a fork with a fat handle containing electronics and a battery. The fork contains a motion sensor, so it can figure out when it’s being lifted to the mouth. If it senses that you’re eating too fast, it warns you with a vibration and a blinking light. The company believes that using the fork 60 to 75 times during meals lasting from 20 to 30 minutes is ideal. Between meals, you can connect the fork to a computer or phone and upload data on how fast you’re eating, for long-term tracking. The electronics are waterproof, so you can wash the fork in the sink. If you want to put it in the dishwasher, you have to remove the electronics first.

Nutritional expert recommend eating slowly because it takes about 20 minutes to start feeling full. If you eat fast, you may eat too much. The fork is also designed to space your forkfuls so that you have time to chew each one properly. It’s like having your mom in a utensil! The fork has no clue about the nutritional content of your food or how big your forkfuls are. It can’t tell if you’re shoveling lard or stabbing peas individually.

" It can’t tell if you’re shoveling lard …."
The underlined word can be replaced with ….
option a loading
option b throwing
option c digging
option d exploring
option e blowing

29. Read the text and answer the question.
Singapore to Develop Marine Tourism in Riau Islands of Indonesia

Singapore has expressed its interest in developing marine tourism in Natuna, Anambas and Lingga, three beautiful yet hidden regencies in the Riau Islands province of Indonesia.
According to Riau Islands Deputy Governor, Soeryo Respationo, the three areas have their own beauty but lack of adequate infrastructure to boost tourism.
Singapore’s investment in the tourism sector would perfectly match with the islands’ need, he said recently. Soeryo said that Singapore Ambassador Anil Kumar Nayar visited the Riau islands administration on Tuesday to show the country’s commitment in developing the marine tourism sector.


According to the text the three islands are lovely for ....
option a their natural resources
option b their marine objects
option c their hidden regencies
option d their infrastructure
option e their tourism sectors

30. Read the text and answer the question.
Singapore to Develop Marine Tourism in Riau Islands of Indonesia

Singapore has expressed its interest in developing marine tourism in Natuna, Anambas and Lingga, three beautiful yet hidden regencies in the Riau Islands province of Indonesia.
According to Riau Islands Deputy Governor, Soeryo Respationo, the three areas have their own beauty but lack of adequate infrastructure to boost tourism.
Singapore’s investment in the tourism sector would perfectly match with the islands’ need, he said recently. Soeryo said that Singapore Ambassador Anil Kumar Nayar visited the Riau islands administration on Tuesday to show the country’s commitment in developing the marine tourism sector.


“ … to boost tourism.” (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
option a generate
option b visit
option c reduce
option d motivate
option e improve

31. Read the text and answer the question.
The coloring and spots that earned leopard gecko are only two of the outstanding physical features of this popular gecko. Leopard geckos are seven to nine inches long when they reach adulthood. They have large heads and big cat-like eyes. They are one of the few breeds of lizards that have eyelids. They had thick tails that comes to a point. Leopard geckos have small thin toes that do not have pads. This makes it difficult for them to do vertical climbing. Their skin is scaly and colorful. Geckos have black spots and wide black bands.
Leopard geckos are natively found in the deserts of western India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. They live in dry areas and prefer rocky floors or semi-arid grasslands. Leopard geckos are nocturnal, spending the daytime hours under rocks or inside underground caves in the daytime. Geckos love the heat, preferring temperatures between 80 and 90 degrees.
Leopard geckos have adapted well to dry, hot climates. They are nocturnal. Instead of coming out of the daytime to soak up the warmth of the sun, they are able to absorb the heat from the rocks under which they hide. Another adaptation that helps the leopard gecko survive is its ability to store fat and nutrients in its tail at times when food is hard to find.
The leopard gecko has a fairly typical lizard-life cycle with the exception of their eggs. While most geckos have hard-shelled eggs, leopard gecko’s eggs are soft-shelled. The female can lay up to five batches of one or two eggs during the five-month breeding season. The gecko reaches maturity in one to three years and can live between 20-25 years.

One of the most obvious physical features of leopard geckos is their ….
option a big cat–like eyes
option b thin and long tails
option c big and thick toes
option d scaly and black skins
option e colourful spots and bands

32.  Read the text and answer the question.
The coloring and spots that earned leopard gecko are only two of the outstanding physical features of this popular gecko. Leopard geckos are seven to nine inches long when they reach adulthood. They have large heads and big cat-like eyes. They are one of the few breeds of lizards that have eyelids. They had thick tails that comes to a point. Leopard geckos have small thin toes that do not have pads. This makes it difficult for them to do vertical climbing. Their skin is scaly and colorful. Geckos have black spots and wide black bands.
Leopard geckos are natively found in the deserts of western India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. They live in dry areas and prefer rocky floors or semi-arid grasslands. Leopard geckos are nocturnal, spending the daytime hours under rocks or inside underground caves in the daytime. Geckos love the heat, preferring temperatures between 80 and 90 degrees.
Leopard geckos have adapted well to dry, hot climates. They are nocturnal. Instead of coming out of the daytime to soak up the warmth of the sun, they are able to absorb the heat from the rocks under which they hide. Another adaptation that helps the leopard gecko survive is its ability to store fat and nutrients in its tail at times when food is hard to find.
The leopard gecko has a fairly typical lizard-life cycle with the exception of their eggs. While most geckos have hard-shelled eggs, leopard gecko’s eggs are soft-shelled. The female can lay up to five batches of one or two eggs during the five-month breeding season. The gecko reaches maturity in one to three years and can live between 20-25 years.

To survive in food shortage times, leopard geckos ....
option a absorb the heat from the sun
option b hide under the rocks at night
option c soak up the warmth in the daytime
option d sleep under a tree to collect energy
option e save fat and nutrients in their tails

33.  Read the text and answer the question.
The coloring and spots that earned leopard gecko are only two of the outstanding physical features of this popular gecko. Leopard geckos are seven to nine inches long when they reach adulthood. They have large heads and big cat-like eyes. They are one of the few breeds of lizards that have eyelids. They had thick tails that comes to a point. Leopard geckos have small thin toes that do not have pads. This makes it difficult for them to do vertical climbing. Their skin is scaly and colorful. Geckos have black spots and wide black bands.
Leopard geckos are natively found in the deserts of western India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. They live in dry areas and prefer rocky floors or semi-arid grasslands. Leopard geckos are nocturnal, spending the daytime hours under rocks or inside underground caves in the daytime. Geckos love the heat, preferring temperatures between 80 and 90 degrees.
Leopard geckos have adapted well to dry, hot climates. They are nocturnal. Instead of coming out of the daytime to soak up the warmth of the sun, they are able to absorb the heat from the rocks under which they hide. Another adaptation that helps the leopard gecko survive is its ability to store fat and nutrients in its tail at times when food is hard to find.
The leopard gecko has a fairly typical lizard-life cycle with the exception of their eggs. While most geckos have hard-shelled eggs, leopard gecko’s eggs are soft-shelled. The female can lay up to five batches of one or two eggs during the five-month breeding season. The gecko reaches maturity in one to three years and can live between 20-25 years.

We know from the text that leopard geckos are ....
option a active at night
option b shaped like a cat
option c aggressive mammals
option d doesn’t have eyelids
option e good in vertical climbing

34.  Read the text and answer the question.
Michael Faraday (1791 – 1867 AD) was born in 1791. British citizen, Michael Faraday was a son of a blacksmith who had to leave school in the fourth grade. He started working as a bookbinder and taught himself to read and write.

He developed a fascination with science and particularly in electricity after he studied lot of serious academic works during his days. Faraday is specially known for his discoveries of electromagnetic inductions and rotations, field theory, dia-magnetization and the magneto-optical effect.

This humble genius invented the electric motor and Faraday’s ring. Faraday’s inquisitive and curious nature made him take chemistry lectures and taught at the Royal Institution as a lecturer later when Humphry Davy retired.

Faraday also published research papers about optical deceptions, condensation of gases and isolation of benzene from gas oils. He also wrote books on “Experimental Researches in Electricity” and the “Chemical History of the Candle”. Faraday died in 1867.

We learn from the text that young Faraday …
option a dropped out from school.
option b worked out at bookbinder.
option c taught by a private teacher.
option d fascinated with science.
option e loved electricity.

35. Read the text and answer the question.
Michael Faraday (1791 – 1867 AD) was born in 1791. British citizen, Michael Faraday was a son of a blacksmith who had to leave school in the fourth grade. He started working as a bookbinder and taught himself to read and write.

He developed a fascination with science and particularly in electricity after he studied lot of serious academic works during his days. Faraday is specially known for his discoveries of electromagnetic inductions and rotations, field theory, dia-magnetization and the magneto-optical effect.

This humble genius invented the electric motor and Faraday’s ring. Faraday’s inquisitive and curious nature made him take chemistry lectures and taught at the Royal Institution as a lecturer later when Humphry Davy retired.

Faraday also published research papers about optical deceptions, condensation of gases and isolation of benzene from gas oils. He also wrote books on “Experimental Researches in Electricity” and the “Chemical History of the Candle”. Faraday died in 1867.

How did Faraday become interested in electricity?
option a From his hobby.
option b From scientific literature.
option c From his working experience.
option d From his curiosity.
option e From his lectures.

36. Read the text and answer the question.
Michael Faraday (1791 – 1867 AD) was born in 1791. British citizen, Michael Faraday was a son of a blacksmith who had to leave school in the fourth grade. He started working as a bookbinder and taught himself to read and write.

He developed a fascination with science and particularly in electricity after he studied lot of serious academic works during his days. Faraday is specially known for his discoveries of electromagnetic inductions and rotations, field theory, dia-magnetization and the magneto-optical effect.

This humble genius invented the electric motor and Faraday’s ring. Faraday’s inquisitive and curious nature made him take chemistry lectures and taught at the Royal Institution as a lecturer later when Humphry Davy retired.

Faraday also published research papers about optical deceptions, condensation of gases and isolation of benzene from gas oils. He also wrote books on “Experimental Researches in Electricity” and the “Chemical History of the Candle”. Faraday died in 1867.

Paragraph four mainly discusses about ….
option a Faraday’s research
option b Faraday’s experiment
option c Faraday’s publications
option d Faraday’s book
option e Faraday’s death

37. Read the text and answer the question.
Most people agree that some form of family limitation or spacing is desirable for the good of the family and society. But individuals and groups–especially religious groups–differ sharply on the methods of birth control.
Couples that practice birth control do so for various reasons. They may want to limit or space their children, or to have no children at all. Young couples often postpone having children so that both partners can work full-time. Other couples space their children so they can give each child as much attention as possible. Some women are advised by their doctors to avoid pregnancy for health reason.
In many countries with a rapidly growing population, the government encourages couple to limit the size of their families.
Even though birth control has gained in acceptance, opposition to the practice is continuous. Some people fear birth control. Some religious groups oppose birth control on moral grounds. Some religious groups teach that artificial methods of birth control are immoral because they separate the two purposes of intercourse in marriage–conjugal love and the procreation of children. Although they oppose all artificial birth control, they consider natural family planning acceptable.

According to the text, different groups of people do not agree with the … of birth control.
option a suggestion
option b practice
option c definition
option d moral values
option e procedure

38. Read the text and answer the question.
Most people agree that some form of family limitation or spacing is desirable for the good of the family and society. But individuals and groups–especially religious groups–differ sharply on the methods of birth control.
Couples that practice birth control do so for various reasons. They may want to limit or space their children, or to have no children at all. Young couples often postpone having children so that both partners can work full-time. Other couples space their children so they can give each child as much attention as possible. Some women are advised by their doctors to avoid pregnancy for health reason.
In many countries with a rapidly growing population, the government encourages couple to limit the size of their families.
Even though birth control has gained in acceptance, opposition to the practice is continuous. Some people fear birth control. Some religious groups oppose birth control on moral grounds. Some religious groups teach that artificial methods of birth control are immoral because they separate the two purposes of intercourse in marriage–conjugal love and the procreation of children. Although they oppose all artificial birth control, they consider natural family planning acceptable.

It is stated in the text that spacing is desirable, especially for ….
option a the child
option b the couple
option c the mother
option d the society
option e the family
39. Read the text and answer the question.
Most people agree that some form of family limitation or spacing is desirable for the good of the family and society. But individuals and groups–especially religious groups–differ sharply on the methods of birth control.
Couples that practice birth control do so for various reasons. They may want to limit or space their children, or to have no children at all. Young couples often postpone having children so that both partners can work full-time. Other couples space their children so they can give each child as much attention as possible. Some women are advised by their doctors to avoid pregnancy for health reason.
In many countries with a rapidly growing population, the government encourages couple to limit the size of their families.
Even though birth control has gained in acceptance, opposition to the practice is continuous. Some people fear birth control. Some religious groups oppose birth control on moral grounds. Some religious groups teach that artificial methods of birth control are immoral because they separate the two purposes of intercourse in marriage–conjugal love and the procreation of children. Although they oppose all artificial birth control, they consider natural family planning acceptable.

“Even though birth control has gained in acceptance, ….”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
option a found
option b delivered
option c earned
option d contained
option e received

40.  Read the text and answer the question.
Rainforests are one of the most complicated environments on Earth. They are recognised worldwide as containing the richest source of plants and animals and are believed to contain near three-quarters of all the varieties of life on Earth. This is remarkable because rainforests cover only about six percent of the Earth’s land surface.
Rainforests are the oldest major ecosystem, having survived climate changes for more than one million years. They provide habitats for more species of plants, animals, insect and birds than any other environments found on our planet. Scientists estimate that between 60 and 90 percent of all species of life are to be found in rainforests. Climate change has caused a significant decline in the number of plant and animal species on Earth.
Rainforests influence both our local and global climates. For example, between 50 and 80 percent of the moisture in the air above rainforests comes from the rainforest’s trees. If large areas of these lush rainforests are cleared, the average rainfall in the area will drop. Eventually, the area’s climate will get hotter and drier. This process could convert rainforests into a sparse grass land or desert.
Rainforests are also able to absorb over 90 percents of the rainfall in their leaves and mosses. By doing this, they are able to slow down water run-off by gradually releasing the water over time into streams and rivers. This helps to control soil erosion and flooding.

The text explains the relationship between rainforests and ….
option a climate change
option b rich environments
option c ecosystem
option d plants and animals
option e floods

41. Read the text and answer the question.
Rainforests are one of the most complicated environments on Earth. They are recognised worldwide as containing the richest source of plants and animals and are believed to contain near three-quarters of all the varieties of life on Earth. This is remarkable because rainforests cover only about six percent of the Earth’s land surface.
Rainforests are the oldest major ecosystem, having survived climate changes for more than one million years. They provide habitats for more species of plants, animals, insect and birds than any other environments found on our planet. Scientists estimate that between 60 and 90 percent of all species of life are to be found in rainforests. Climate change has caused a significant decline in the number of plant and animal species on Earth.
Rainforests influence both our local and global climates. For example, between 50 and 80 percent of the moisture in the air above rainforests comes from the rainforest’s trees. If large areas of these lush rainforests are cleared, the average rainfall in the area will drop. Eventually, the area’s climate will get hotter and drier. This process could convert rainforests into a sparse grass land or desert.
Rainforests are also able to absorb over 90 percents of the rainfall in their leaves and mosses. By doing this, they are able to slow down water run-off by gradually releasing the water over time into streams and rivers. This helps to control soil erosion and flooding.

According to the text, flooding will occur if ….
option a trees in rainforests are cut down
option b climate change converts rainforests into a dessert
option c less than 90% of the rainfall is absorbed by the leaves and mosses
option d the rainfall is not significantly absorbed by rainforests
option e if water run-off can be slowed down

42. Read the text and answer the question.
Rainforests are one of the most complicated environments on Earth. They are recognised worldwide as containing the richest source of plants and animals and are believed to contain near three-quarters of all the varieties of life on Earth. This is remarkable because rainforests cover only about six percent of the Earth’s land surface.
Rainforests are the oldest major ecosystem, having survived climate changes for more than one million years. They provide habitats for more species of plants, animals, insect and birds than any other environments found on our planet. Scientists estimate that between 60 and 90 percent of all species of life are to be found in rainforests. Climate change has caused a significant decline in the number of plant and animal species on Earth.
Rainforests influence both our local and global climates. For example, between 50 and 80 percent of the moisture in the air above rainforests comes from the rainforest’s trees. If large areas of these lush rainforests are cleared, the average rainfall in the area will drop. Eventually, the area’s climate will get hotter and drier. This process could convert rainforests into a sparse grass land or desert.
Rainforests are also able to absorb over 90 percents of the rainfall in their leaves and mosses. By doing this, they are able to slow down water run-off by gradually releasing the water over time into streams and rivers. This helps to control soil erosion and flooding.

 “If large areas of these lush rainforests are cleared, ...” (paragraph 3)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to  ....
option a thin
option b huge
option c wet
option d wide
option e rich

43. Rearrange the following jumbled sentences into the correct and meaningful paragraph!
(1) On the way, I felt the urgent need to have a drink. And I was sure that I had kept my bottle in the over head compartment.
(2) I stumbled on into my teacher’s lap.
(3) I was so embarrassed. What a trip to remember.
(4) As my teacher stared at me I scrambled back into my seat.
(5) Last Sunday, my class had a trip to Jakarta and we went there by bus.
(6) But as soon as I stood up, the bus hit a bump.

The correct order is ….
option a (5), (1), (4), (6), (2), (3)
option b (5), (1), (6), (2), (4), (3)
option c (1), (2), (4), (5), (3), (6)
option d (1), (6), (5), (2), (4), (3)
option e (5), (4), (6), (1), (2), (3)

44. Read the text and complete following text with the words provided.
One day the wind and the sun were disputing over which was stronger. And suddenly they saw a traveller coming down the road and they made agreement whichevercould make the traveller to […] his cloak he was wearing shall be regarded as the mightiest of two.
And both of them were trying to use their ___ to win the wages. The sun was using his heat and the wind would blow as strong as he could the winner.
But the harder he blew, the more tightly did the traveller wrap his cloak around him, till at last the wind had to ___ in despair. Then the sun came out and shone in all glory upon the travellers who soon found it too hot to walk with his cloak on.

option a put on
option b put off
option c take off
option d take out
option e take away

45. Read the text and complete following text with the words provided.
One day the wind and the sun were disputing over which was stronger. And suddenly they saw a traveller coming down the road and they made agreement whichevercould make the traveller to ___ his cloak he was wearing shall be regarded as the mightiest of two.
And both of them were trying to use their […] to win the wages. The sun was using his heat and the wind would blow as strong as he could the winner.
But the harder he blew, the more tightly did the traveller wrap his cloak around him, till at last the wind had to ___ in despair. Then the sun came out and shone in all glory upon the travellers who soon found it too hot to walk with his cloak on.

option a power
option b force
option c influence
option d energy
option e drive

46. Read the text and complete following text with the words provided.
One day the wind and the sun were disputing over which was stronger. And suddenly they saw a traveller coming down the road and they made agreement whichevercould make the traveller to ___ his cloak he was wearing shall be regarded as the mightiest of two.
And both of them were trying to use their ___ to win the wages. The sun was using his heat and the wind would blow as strong as he could the winner.
But the harder he blew, the more tightly did the traveller wrap his cloak around him, till at last the wind had to […] in despair. Then the sun came out and shone in all glory upon the travellers who soon found it too hot to walk with his cloak on.

option a get down
option b look down
option c step off
option d blow up
option e give up

47. Rearrange the following jumbled sentences into a correct and meaningful procedure!

 Here’s the procedure to help someone who has just got an electric shock.

(1) If possible, switch current off at the mains.
(2) Check the casualty’s breathing and pulse, and be ready to start artificial ventilation or resuscitation, if necessary.
(3) Finally, call an ambulance.
(4) First, check if the electric current is off. Only approach the casualty once the current is off or the contact is broken.
(5) Break the contact between the electric source and the casualty with something dry and non-conducive, such as a broom handle or a rolled-up newspaper.

The correct order is  ….
option a (2), (4), (5), (3), (1)
option b (4), (1), (5), (2), (3)
option c (5), (4), (2), (1), (3)
option d (3), (2), (1), (4), (5)
option e (3), (5), (2), (1), (4)

48. Read the text and answer the question.
Cibodas Botanical Garden is situated 1300-1425 m high on the slopes of Mount Gede, Pangrango. It contains beautiful mountain scenery with impressive views across the Cipanas valley of West Java.
The Garden covers about 125 ha of wavy surface area, with large grassy expanses, rocky coniferous areas, and valleys filled with tree ferns and waterfalls. Cibodas Botanical Garden is a popular recreational center for the Greater Jakarta area as well as a research station for students and scientists studying tropical mountain flora.
The garden currently maintains a collections of 5831 living specimens from 1206 species. It also maintains a herbarium and seed museum to research, development and conservation purposes. The 4521 herbarium specimens from 1503 species consists of those collected from the garden and from the Gede Pangrango National Park which is annexed to the Garden. The 649 species in the seed museum are used as a reference for seed identification.
Facilities such as a guest house, library and nursery are available for scientists, research workers and students who wish to study the Garden and mountain flora of Mount Gede-Pangrango. 

What is the text about?
option a The content of Cipanas valley of West Java.
option b The beauty of Cibodas Botanic Garden and its function.
option c The Pangrango National Park of West Java.
option d The scientists who do research in Cibodas Botanic Garden.
option e The rocky coniferous areas in West Java.

49. Read the text and answer the question.
Cibodas Botanical Garden is situated 1300-1425 m high on the slopes of Mount Gede, Pangrango. It contains beautiful mountain scenery with impressive views across the Cipanas valley of West Java.
The Garden covers about 125 ha of wavy surface area, with large grassy expanses, rocky coniferous areas, and valleys filled with tree ferns and waterfalls. Cibodas Botanical Garden is a popular recreational center for the Greater Jakarta area as well as a research station for students and scientists studying tropical mountain flora.
The garden currently maintains a collections of 5831 living specimens from 1206 species. It also maintains a herbarium and seed museum to research, development and conservation purposes. The 4521 herbarium specimens from 1503 species consists of those collected from the garden and from the Gede Pangrango National Park which is annexed to the Garden. The 649 species in the seed museum are used as a reference for seed identification.
Facilities such as a guest house, library and nursery are available for scientists, research workers and students who wish to study the Garden and mountain flora of Mount Gede-Pangrango. 

According to the text, scientists are keen on investigating …
option a Tropical mountain flora.
option b The coniferous flora.
option c The wavy surface flora.
option d The herbarium flora.
option e The seeds from various flora.

50. Read the text and answer the question.
Cibodas Botanical Garden is situated 1300-1425 m high on the slopes of Mount Gede, Pangrango. It contains beautiful mountain scenery with impressive views across the Cipanas valley of West Java.
The Garden covers about 125 ha of wavy surface area, with large grassy expanses, rocky coniferous areas, and valleys filled with tree ferns and waterfalls. Cibodas Botanical Garden is a popular recreational center for the Greater Jakarta area as well as a research station for students and scientists studying tropical mountain flora.
The garden currently maintains a collections of 5831 living specimens from 1206 species. It also maintains a herbarium and seed museum to research, development and conservation purposes. The 4521 herbarium specimens from 1503 species consists of those collected from the garden and from the Gede Pangrango National Park which is annexed to the Garden. The 649 species in the seed museum are used as a reference for seed identification.
Facilities such as a guest house, library and nursery are available for scientists, research workers and students who wish to study the Garden and mountain flora of Mount Gede-Pangrango. 

We know from the text that there are approximately … specimens for each species available in the herbarium.
option a two
option b three
option c four
option d five
option e six


Starting from Monday, July 2, 2016 Kabuki Sales Corporation of America’s Eastern Regional Office will move to its new offices and warehouse building at 401 Grandiosa Boulevard, Tampa, Florida, 33715. The new business hotline number is (813) 555-5428.

Our manufacturing Division will remain at 2250 Santa Fe Avenue, St. Petersburg, and expand the line with robotic equipment.

I have enclosed our most recent brochure on robotic equipment for your review. I hope you find it interesting.

What is the announcement about?
option a The opening of new warehouse building at 401 Grandiosa Boulevard.
option b The new robotic equipment for the consumer to review.
option c The change of address of Kabuki Sales Corporation offices.
option d The opening of Manufacturing Division of Kabuki Sales Corporation.
option e The new location of Manufacturing Division of Kabuki Sales Corporation.

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Askep Meningitis

CATATAN ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN KLIEN IDENTITAS KLIEN                Nama (Initial)                            : Sdr. Sukir Umur    ...